31 október 2006

Þegar fólk les bækur..

Nokkrar hlægilegar athugasemdir um hinar og þessar bækur af amazon.com. Þessi hér kvartar yfir jafnaðarstefnu í efnahagsmálum sem svífur yfir vötnum í Hundrað ára einsemd:
I spent several weeks slogging through this book and found it to be very repetitive and tedious in the extreme. Keeping track of the family tree is a constant effort. At best, Marquez reveals an egalitarian attitude that seems to pervade the Americas south of the Rio Grande (no wonder those countries are in constant economic trouble). Marquez should study supply side economics as described by Milton Friedman, another Nobel Prize winner, in order to give his book better balance.

Best fannst mér samt þessi hér, um Biblíuna:
I feel that this book started out well but lacked something of an ending. The writing styles change intermittedly and seem to lack something of a finesse, blatantly stating things that cannot be taken literally or figuratively well enough to purvey a superior understanding of the text. I found it about as entertaining as flipping through a T.V. guide but not owning a T.V. seeing all the shows that you could be watching explained in a summerized detail that never quite lets you know what it's really all about. A true literary flop.

Eflaust með hálfkæringi gert, en samt vel athugað.

Það er bilað skammdegi einsog er og ég nenni ekki að gera neitt.


1 ummæli:

Nafnlaus sagði...

vegna ekki:)