05 mars 2006

Milljón lítil úmpf

Ég rakst á þetta um daginn, þegar þetta Frey-kjaftæði var í algleymingi, en mér fannst þetta fyndið og þarsem ég geri lítið annað en að vitna í aðra get ég allteins vitnað í Davíð.
Hann segist semsagt hafa komið höndum yfir kynningareintak af nýju bókinni hans Frey, Lesson Learned, og birtir brot:

From Chapter One - "I left the Harpo studios in Chicago in a state of shock. When I accepted Oprah's invitation to go back on her show and tell my side of the story, I didn't think that I would be treated so unfairly. I felt as if a couple of angry skate punks who 'didn't like my attitude' ambushed me. It reminded me of the time I was ambushed by a bunch of angry skate punks who 'didn't like my attitude'. I had awoken from a nineteen-day bender to find myself floating face down in a canal in Amsterdam. I came to with a knife in my chest and a tattoo on my left nipple which mysteriously read: '100% Goth!!' I blurbled something in Arabic to a passing man on his bike and he was decent enough to stop and fish me out. After drying myself off, I raped him and stole his bike. I regret this behavior now of course."


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