04 maí 2006

Borgaralegt hetjustríð

Ingi Björn benti mér á þetta í gær:

Captain America is about to battle his most fearsome foe yet: The government of the United States.

Today, Marvel Comics is releasing the first in its miniseries Civil War, which can only be described as a gutsy comic-book series focusing on the whole debate over homeland security and tighter government controls in the name of public safety.

The seven-issue series once again puts superheroes right back in the thick of real-world news, just as DC Comics has Batman battling al-Qaeda in a soon-to-appear comic and Marvel's X-Men continue to explore themes of public intolerance and discrimination.


Civil War starts with a clever premise. A number of incidents involving Marvel's rough-and-ready heroes has turned the good guys into targets of U.S. lawmakers: There is, for instance, one accident where a group of novice superheroes gets in over its head, leading to the death of a schoolyard full of children.

The politicians are concerned about public safety. So Congress passes a bill forcing all superheroes to register with the government as human weapons of mass destruction, and to work, in effect, for Washington. Superheroes who don't comply will themselves be branded fugitives.

Þetta minnir dálítið á stöðuna sem myndaðist í Watchmen þegar 'The Keene Act' bannaði hverskonar sjálfskipaða löggæslu, eða einsog segir þarna á wikipediu:
The act forced most costumed adventurers to retire, except for those who accepted complete government supervision. These included Dr. Manhattan (who remained a critical part of American strategic defense) and the Comedian (who had undertaken official missions in Vietnam and would later do so in Iran and Nicaragua).

Það eina sem virðist frábrugðið er þetta tal um ,,WMD's". Auðvitað er ég ekki að ýja að því að ofurhetjumyndasögurnar séu að endurvinna gömul plott, en það gæti verið gaman að bera þetta saman.

Það er líka gaman að sjá í að í þessari grein er hvorki minnst á hver skrifar né hver teiknar. Ritstjórinn segir nokkur orð og svo er ekki meira með það. Skrípentinn er Mark Millar, sem margir eru hrifnir af (en þó ekki ég). Teiknarinn heitir Steven McNiven, sem er nokkuð skondið, en ég kannast ekki við hann. Þið getið reyndar lesið um það og margt annað tengt þessari bók hér á wikipediu (hvar annarstaðar?).


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