04 nóvember 2006

McSweeneys fer með Aaron Sorkin til tann..hreinsara?

Þarsem ég er að horfa á slatta af The West Wing um þessar mundir kom þetta einkar skemmtilega við mig:

AARON SORKIN: You would think it would be the "ankh" sound, as in the ankh, the Egyptian symbol of life. But it's not. It's the Paul Anka sound. You know, it would help if you said certain words back to me, just random sentences that use the same key words I'm using.

DENTAL HYGIENIST: I have a lot of other patients who need their teeth cleaned, so ...

AARON SORKIN: Like I say, "Les Six," and you say, "Les Shut Up!" Something like that. I don't know. That's just off the top of my head. It doesn't have to make sense. It just has to sound like banter. It has to give a banterlike impression. Hey, that's a good example. I could say, "It just has to sound like banter," and then you shoot back, real quick-like, "Oh, it has to give a banterlike impression." We just say the same words back to one another over and over in different random orders.

DENTAL HYGIENIST: OK, that sounds nice. Maybe at the end of the appointment, when I'm removing your bib. But right now I need you to open wide so I can ...

AARON SORKIN: Oh, then, at the end, you say something like, "In the United States today, 30 percent of the people can't do so-and-so and here we are bantering about Poulenc." And then we both look sad.

Þeir höfðu væntanlega ekki pláss til að byggja upp rökræðuferli þarsem annar aðilinn stendur auðsjáanlega verr að vígi en hinn, alveg þangaðtil hann kemur að efninu úr óvæntri átt og við sjáum að málið snýst um allt annað en það sem við héldum í upphafi. Meining er lögð fram og kjú tilfinningaþrungin tónlist.

..en þetta er samt gott sjónvarp.

Og það er eitthvað í gangi með feðurna í þessum þáttum. Ágætis póstur um það hér. En annars er ég hættur, farinn að sofa. Djöfull er klukkan orðin.


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